Saturday, August 31, 2013

IDFC infra bonds - Good tax saving instrument: Nirmal Bang

IDFC bonds will have a lock-in period of five years. Post five years, these bonds will be traded both on NSE and BSE. At the same time, the company can also exercise the buyback option. Bond investors will get the income tax benefits under 80CCF wherein a maximum investment of Rs 20,000 would fetch tax exemptions to the tune of Rs 2,060 (10.3% of 20,000) - minimum and 6,180 (30.9% of 20,000) - maximum. This is over and above the existing investment limit of Rs 1 lakh. The company has already collected Rs 538 crs in the first tranche in December 2011.

The interest rates are lower than the previous issue as the coupon rates have to be at par with the yield on benchmark securities, and the decrease is in sync with the yield movement over the last month.

Recommendation: We believe that the tax saving bond issue from IDFC is a good long term investment opportunity as well as a tax saving instrument
for investors. As the interest rates are at the peak and the rates are expected to go down this is the best time to enter in the bond market and lock in investments at a higher rate.

Key Concerns:

� Change in interest rates - Increasing rates of interest, resulting from higher inflation are likely to have a negative effect on the price of the NCDs.

� Lack of liquidity - Though NCDs are listed on the stock exchange, there is a problem of liquidity in the markets.

Disclaimer: The views and investment tips expressed by investment experts/broking houses/rating agencies on are their own, and not that of the website or its management. advises users to check with certified experts before taking any investment decisions.

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Chainsaw Mark Cutting Into Oracle's Marine Core As Workday Looms

Oracle (ORCL) has long been admired for having a strong database offering but the cognoscenti truly appreciate their best of breed sales force that resemble sales marines, as Keith Block eloquently espoused in a leaked instant message. The culture started to change when Mark Hurd was hired by CEO Larry Ellison in September 2010 as co-President, along with Safra Catz, as member of the board of Oracle. Initially Mark Hurd garnered a stellar reputation by investors for turning around HP (HPQ) and consistently delivering upside to estimates. However, after departing HP due to a personal scandal, Hurd's reputation became sullied. Hurd was blamed for cutting costs to benefit near-term results while causing real long-term damage by foregoing much needed R&D investments. Mark Hurd's presence three years into his tenure at Oracle appears to be having a similarly adverse impact on Oracle's core sales force and its culture. Following almost unheard of back-to-back quarterly misses, including Q4 nonetheless, ORCL's stock is at best in the penalty box and dead money and at risk of 20% downside from current levels on continued poor execution and the heightened competitiveness from Workday (WDAY).

ORCL Chart

ORCL data by YCharts

Salesforce Changes Began Little Over a Year Ago...

Over a year ago, head of sales Keith Block left Oracle to join (CRM) as President and Vice Chairman. Keith Block had a 26-year tenure at Oracle, an incredible accomplishment at any technology company, but more so at Oracle given the high pressure, hyper competitive culture under the legendary but enigmatic Larry Ellison. This past week top salesperson Tony Fernicola, who effectively ran the core database offering, left the company for... yup, you guessed it, to rejoin Keith Block. News from Business Insider indicates and my sources corroborate that these ar! e not one-off poaches by My contacts indicate there has been widespread discontent about Mark Hurd. Turnover in software companies usually occurs during the fiscal first quarter, which happens to be now for Oracle; however, senior level departures of this magnitude are alarming. It appears that Mark Hurd may be disrupting the core strength of Oracle, its top-notch sales force. According to the Business Insider, three other vice president-level salespeople are also expected to leave the company. According to its source-

It's a bloodbath around here.

It appears the bloodletting is not over and I expect more departures over the coming weeks.

Back-to-Back Misses and in FQ4, Oracle is that you?

I have been investing in technology long enough to realize that salespeople are alpha dog creatures whose strong personalities inevitably lead to inter-personal clashes. Also like professional athletes in the post free agency era, top technology salespeople can be lured by a larger comp package, better software to sell and/or a better title. However, when Oracle missed back to back quarters with one being a fourth quarter it would be naive to not take notice. Oracle, like most other software companies, has a much easier time closing a quarter following a missed quarter given the larger pipeline from pushed out deals. When the missed quarter is a third quarter and the pushed out business flows into the fourth quarter it's incumbent upon the salesperson to close all these deals in order to achieve and exceed his/her quota triggering the big payouts. So when Oracle missed this past fourth quarter it was a red flag that something was changing for the worse at the company. Prior to this FQ4 miss Oracle had beaten the midpoint of its license guide every Q4 for the last 10 years by an average of 7%. This Q4 Oracle missed the midpoint of new license revenue on a constant currency basis by 5%. The last time Oracle missed back-to-back quarters was during the 2008/2009 financial c! risis and! even during that time it beat in FQ4.

Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

A common proverb states that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. According to common wisdom, Oracle would never partner with given Ellison's personal clash with former protege Marc Benioff. The old proverb rang true again this past June as Oracle and announced a nine-year partnership whereby Oracle is integrating their Fusion Human Capital Management and financials cloud with In truth, insiders have dubbed the partnership smoke and mirrors with Oracle giving Salesforce great price breaks to prevent them from moving to open source competitor PostgreSQL. Others believe it was a savvy marketing ploy by Salesforce's CEO Benioff to greatly reduce its database costs. Bottom line, Salesforce seems to have given up little to gain price concessions as Oracle appears to be operating from a position of weakness and relative desperation. What company caused Larry Ellison to join forces with, the firm he once labeled the "roach motel of cloud computing"? The answer- Workday.

Workday, the firm started by two former PeopleSoft executives, specializes in human resources and financials enterprise cloud software. Workday basically offers the cloud equivalent of what Oracle has amassed through its past acquisitions at a discount and in the cloud. Workday professes to save its customers 30-50% over a five-year period vs. on-premise, i.e. Oracle software. The savings come from reduced headcount whether in IT, HR, or finance department depending on the solution. According to a recent Morgan Stanley survey, 10% of Oracle customers are planning to migrate to Workday HCM and 29% while not using Workday are planning to evaluate Workday HCM vs. 2% and 23% 6 months prior, respectively. For financials, 5% of Oracle customers are planning to migrate to Workday while 29% are not using but planning to evaluate Workday vs. 2% and 23%, respectively. Workday founders are still p! eeved at ! having to sell PeopleSoft to Oracle and would like nothing more than causing Oracle major pain by taking their customers away as they move to the cloud. Workday has made considerable inroads with HCM already and is mounting a major campaign to ramp their financials offering by scaling to the Global 2000 within the next 12 to 15 months. Financials is a tougher application to develop as it requires more lines of code, a more complicated architecture, and is much more data intensive. Nonetheless, Workday is squarely focused on penetrating the Oracle customer base and taking their customers away as they upgrade to the cloud.

Workday has Captured HCM, Eyes Now on Financials

Workday has become the clear cut choice for companies who are looking to deploy a new human capital management (aka H.R.) solution especially when the company has decided on moving to the cloud. Human capital talent management and recruiting have been quick to move to the cloud while core HR where PeopleSoft (now Oracle) dominated has been slower given the sensitive nature of the information. Oracle's answer to current PeopleSoft or other application customers is their 'Fusion' offering which is an amalgamation of their application acquisitions over the years in a cloud offering. Unfortunately, clients are not very interested. According to a recent Morgan Stanley survey a staggering 52% of customers responded having already evaluated and passed on Fusion or no plans to evaluate, up from 35-40% in prior surveys.

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Enterprise Asset Management 1.0% 1.4% 1.7% 1.9% 2.1% 2.2% 2.3% 2.5%
Financial Management Systems 1.5% 1.8% 2.2% 2.8% 3.3% 3.7% 4.0% 4.3%
Human Capital Management 20.3% 21.8% 26.0% 29.1% 31.7% 34.0% 36.0% 37.8%
Manufacturing/Operations 1.0% 1.2% 1.5% 1.8% 2.0% 2.2% 2.5% 2.6%
source: Gartner

According to Gartner, 29% of Human Capital Management has moved to SAAS, well ahead of other subsets of ERP largely because of Workday's prowess. Given their high user satisfaction scores, Workday is on track to successfully parlay its HCM beachhead into the financial apps world. The largest subset of ERP is financial management systems at 41% of total ERP versus 30% for Human Capital Management. Due to the complexity of financial management vs. HCM code, i.e. millions of lines of rows of data vs. hundreds of thousand, and the more sensitive nature of the data, it has been much slower to move to the cloud (see chart above). Financial management SAAS is only at less than 3% of the total according to Gartner. Unfortunately for Oracle, Workday is focused on this area intently and plans to penetrate it en masse over the coming 1 to 2 years. According to a Piper Jaffray survey, 40% (21% in 2014 and 19% in 2015) of CIOs surveyed view Workday financials as a serious competitor to Oracle financials over the coming two years (see chart below).

(click to enlarge)

Beyond losing applications market share, Oracle risks losing its bread and butter database business that is pulled along by applications sales. When app! lications! are moved to the cloud, the SAAS provider buys the database infrastructure themselves instead of the apps customer directly. On the positive side, Oracle does have a database product cycle ahead of them with the 12c (cloud) database with multi-tenant functionality that could offset some of the secular headwind(s). More importantly, losing applications license sales means losing the inordinately profitable maintenance stream that Larry Ellison covets. Maintenance revenue, usually 12-15% of license revenue, continues to pour in for years after deals are signed at 90%+ margins. Losing maintenance revenue is what keeps Larry Ellison up at night and forces him to make partnerships with Marc Benioff.

Upside = Dead Money, Downside 15-20%

Oracle is in the midst of its seasonally weak fiscal first quarter that ends August 31st. After missing back-to-back quarters, Oracle issued normal seasonal guidance for FQ1 -60% sequential, representing 4% y/y at the mid-point. The positives for Oracle are back-to-back missed quarters means the backlog for the current quarter is that much bigger and there was no deliberate sales force reorganization this quarter, besides those running for the exit. If Oracle bounces on a "beat" I would use strength to short the stock as it approaches 12x '13 P/E, its long-term average multiple. I expect multiple contraction going forward as the secular headwinds are better understood by investors as forever changing Oracle's business model. At current levels, the stock trades at 11.5x FY'14 (MAY) EPS and sports a 1.5% dividend yield, not egregious but not cheap either for a company who has not been executing well and who faces numerous secular headwinds. My fair value price target is $27-29 or 10-11x FY'14/CY'13 EPS estimate, representing 15-20% downside from current levels. I would use Oracle as a portfolio short at current levels and add to the short on any rally on a FQ1 beat. One for its last three quarters isn't that bad, or is it? Sorry, Mark.

Source: Chainsaw Mark Cutting Into Oracle's Marine Core As Workday Looms

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, but may initiate a short position in ORCL over the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. (More...)

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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Best Financial Stocks To Own Right Now

Investors love stocks that consistently beat the Street without getting ahead of their fundamentals and risking a meltdown. The best stocks offer sustainable market-beating gains, with robust and improving financial metrics that support strong price growth. Does Honeywell� (NYSE: HON  ) fit the bill? Let's take a look at what its recent results tell us about its potential for future gains.

What we're looking for
The graphs you're about to see tell Honeywell's story, and we'll be grading the quality of that story in several ways:

Growth: Are profits, margins, and free cash flow all increasing? Valuation: Is share price growing in line with earnings per share? Opportunities: Is return on equity increasing while debt to equity declines? Dividends: Are dividends consistently growing in a sustainable way?

What the numbers tell you
Now, let's take a look at Honeywell's key statistics:

Best Financial Stocks To Own Right Now: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ANZ)

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) provides a range of banking and financial products and services to retail, small business, corporate and institutional clients. The Company conducts its operations in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region. It also operates in a range of other countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States. The Company operates on a divisional structure with Australia, International and Institutional Banking (IIB), New Zealand, and Global Wealth and Private Banking. As of September 30, 2012, the Company had 1,337 branches and other points of representation worldwide, excluding automatic teller machines (ATMs). In September 2012, it sold its remaining shareholding in Visa Inc. Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Dale Gillham]

    ANZ's chart shows a similar story to the financial sector chart, with ANZ moving up from its low around $17.50 in 2011 to trade sideways between $20.00 and $22.00. The first positive sign indicating the pendulum may have shifted to favouring equities occurred when ANZ broke through a trend line and created a potential entry in mid-October 2011. This opportunity was only for short-term traders as there was the risk from very strong overhead resistance at around $22.00 for it to turn down again.

    In November 2011 ANZ fell sharply, which suggested it was more likely to continue falling than to rise. However, since then it has shown some resilience and risen again to challenge $22.00. How it reacts here is important and illustrates why investors need to stay alert. While ANZ holds above $20.31 the likelihood for a continuation of the recent rise increases, and for ANZ to achieve a 10 per cent return in a few months.


Best Financial Stocks To Own Right Now: Supertel Hospitality Inc.(SPPR)

Supertel Hospitality, Inc. is an independent equity real estate investment trust. The firm invests in the real estate markets of the United States. It primarily invests in limited-service hotels. The firm was formerly known as Humphrey Hospitality Trust, Inc. Supertel Hospitality, Inc. was launched on August 23, 1994 and is based in Norfolk, Nebraska.

10 Best Bank Stocks To Own Right Now: Cathay General Bancorp(CATY)

Cathay General Bancorp operates as the holding company for Cathay Bank, which offers various commercial banking products and services for individuals, professionals, and small to medium-sized businesses primarily in California. Its deposit products include passbook accounts, checking accounts, money market deposit accounts, certificates of deposit, individual retirement accounts, college certificates of deposit, and public funds deposits. The company?s loan portfolio comprises commercial mortgage loans, commercial loans, small business administration loans, residential mortgage loans, real estate construction loans, and home equity lines of credit. It also offers installment loans to individuals for automobile, household, and other consumer expenditures. In addition, the company provides trade financing, letters of credit, wire transfers, forward currency spot and forward contracts, traveler?s checks, safe deposit, night deposit, social security payment deposit, collecti on, bank-by-mail, drive-up and walk-up windows, automatic teller machines, Internet banking, and other customary bank services. As of April 20, 2011, Cathay General Bancorp operated 31 branches in California, 8 branches in New York State, 1 branch in Massachusetts, 2 branches in Texas, 3 branches in Washington State, 3 branches in the Chicago, Illinois area, 1 branch in New Jersey, and 1 branch in Hong Kong, as well as a representative office in Shanghai and in Taipei. The company was founded in 1961 and is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.

Best Financial Stocks To Own Right Now: Berkshire Hathaway Inc (BRKB)

Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (Berkshire), incorporated on June 16, 1998, is a holding company owning subsidiaries engaged in a number of diverse business activities. The Company is engaged in the insurance businesses conducted on both a primary basis and a reinsurance basis, a freight rail transportation business and a group of utility, and energy generation and distribution businesses. Berkshire also owns and operates a number of other businesses engaged in a variety of activities. In October 2012, HomeServices acquired a 66.7% interest in the residential real estate brokerage franchise network in the United States. In May 2013, Berkshire acquired the remaining 20% stake in IMC International Metalworking Companies BV.

Insurance and Reinsurance Businesses

Berkshire�� insurance and reinsurance business activities are conducted through numerous domestic and foreign-based insurance entities. Berkshire�� insurance businesses provide insurance and reinsurance of property and casualty risks worldwide and also reinsure life, accident and health risks worldwide. The Company�� insurance underwriting operations are consisted of the sub-groups, including GEICO and its subsidiaries, General Re and its subsidiaries, Berkshire Hathaway Reinsurance Group and Berkshire Hathaway Primary Group. GEICO insurance subsidiaries include Government Employees Insurance Company, GEICO General Insurance Company, GEICO Indemnity Company, GEICO Casualty Company, GEICO Advantage Insurance Company, GEICO Choice Insurance Company and GEICO Secure Insurance Company. These companies primarily offers private passenger automobile insurance to individuals in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In addition, GEICO insures motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, recreational vehicles and small commercial fleets and acts as an agent for other insurers who offer homeowners, boat and life insurance to individuals. GEICO markets its policies primarily through direct response methods in which applications for insura! nce are submitted directly to the companies via the Internet or by telephone.

General Re Corporation (General Re) is the holding company of General Reinsurance Corporation (GRC) and its subsidiaries and affiliates. GRC�� subsidiaries include General Reinsurance AG, an international reinsurer based in Germany. General Re subsidiaries conduct business activities globally in 51 cities and provide insurance and reinsurance coverages throughout the world. General Re provides property/casualty insurance and reinsurance, life/health reinsurance and other reinsurance intermediary and risk management, underwriting management and investment management services.

Property/Casualty Reinsurance

General Re�� property/casualty reinsurance business in North America is conducted through GRC. Property/casualty operations in North America are also conducted through 16 branch offices in the United States and Canada. Reinsurance activities are marketed directly to clients without involving a broker or intermediary. General Re�� property/casualty business in North America also includes specialty insurers (primarily the General Star and Genesis companies). These specialty insurers underwrite primarily liability and workers��compensation coverages on an excess and surplus basis and excess insurance for self-insured programs. General Re�� international property/casualty reinsurance business operations are conducted through internationally-based subsidiaries on a direct basis (through General Reinsurance AG, as well as several other General Re subsidiaries in 23 countries) and through brokers (primarily through Faraday, which owns the managing agent of Syndicate 435 at Lloyd�� of London and provides capacity and participates in 100% of the results of Syndicate 435).

Life/Health Reinsurance

General Re�� North American and international life, health, long-term care and disability reinsurance coverages are written on an individual and group basis. Most! of this ! business is written on a proportional treaty basis, with the exception of the United States group health and disability business, which is predominately written on an excess treaty basis. Lesser amounts of life and disability business are written on a facultative basis. The life/health business is marketed on a direct basis.

The Berkshire Hathaway Reinsurance Group (BHRG) operates from offices located in Stamford, Connecticut. Business activities are conducted through a group of subsidiary companies, led by National Indemnity Company (NICO) and Columbia Insurance Company (Columbia). BHRG provides principally excess and quota-share reinsurance to other property and casualty insurers and reinsurers. BHRG�� underwriting activities also include life reinsurance and life annuity business written through Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Company of Nebraska and financial guaranty insurance written through Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corporation.

BHRG writes catastrophe excess-of-loss treaty reinsurance contracts. BHRG also writes individual policies for primarily large or otherwise unusual discrete risks on both an excess direct and facultative reinsurance basis, referred to as individual risk, which includes policies covering terrorism, natural catastrophe and aviation risks. A catastrophe excess policy provides protection to the counterparty from the accumulation of primarily property losses arising from a single loss event or series of related events. Catastrophe and individual risk policies may provide amounts of indemnification per contract and a single loss event may produce losses under a number of contracts. BHRG also underwrites traditional non-catastrophe insurance and reinsurance coverages, referred to as multi-line property/casualty business.

The Berkshire Hathaway Primary Group is a collection of primary insurance operations that provide a range of insurance coverages to insureds located principally in the United States. NICO and certain affiliates underw! rite moto! r vehicle and general liability insurance to commercial enterprises on both an admitted and excess and surplus basis. This business is written nationwide primarily through insurance agents and brokers and is based in Omaha, Nebraska. U.S. Investment Corporation (USIC), through its four subsidiaries led by United States Liability Insurance Company, is a specialty insurer that underwrites commercial, professional and personal lines of insurance on an admitted and excess and surplus basis. Policies are marketed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia through wholesale and retail insurance agents. USIC companies underwrite and market 110 distinct specialty property and casualty insurance products. Medical Protective Corporation (MedPro) is based in Fort Wayne, Indiana. MedPro offers products and solutions through its subsidiaries, The Medical Protective Company and Princeton Insurance Company and is a primary healthcare malpractice insurance coverage and patient safety solutions to physicians, dentists, other healthcare providers and healthcare facilities. Other insurance operations include the Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies (BHHC), a group of six insurance companies that primarily offers standalone workers��compensation, commercial auto and commercial property coverages.

Railroad Business

Through Burlington Northern Santa Fe, LLC (BNSF) Railway, BNSF operates a railroad network in North America with approximately BNSF operates a railroad network in North America with approximately 32,500 route miles of track (excluding multiple main tracks, yard tracks and sidings) in 28 states and two Canadian provinces as of December 31, 2012. BNSF owns approximately 23,000 route miles, including easements, and operates on approximately 9,500 route miles of trackage rights that permit BNSF to operate its trains with its crews over other railroads��tracks. As of December 31, 2012, the total BNSF Railway system, including single and multiple main tracks, yard tracks and sidings,! consiste! d of approximately 50,500 operated miles of track, all of which are owned by or held under easement by BNSF except for approximately 10,500 miles operated under trackage rights.

BNSF is based in Fort Worth, Texas, and through BNSF Railway Company operates railroad systems in North America. In serving the Midwest, Pacific Northwest, Western, Southwestern and Southeastern regions and ports of the country, BNSF transports a range of products and commodities derived from manufacturing, agricultural and natural resource industries. Over half of the freight revenues of BNSF are covered by contractual agreements of varying durations. BNSF�� primary routes, including trackage rights, allow it to access major cities and ports in the western and southern United States, as well as parts of Canada and Mexico.

Utilities and Energy Businesses

MidAmerican�� businesses are managed as separate operating units. MidAmerican�� domestic regulated energy interests are consisted of two regulated utility companies serving more than three million retail customers, two interstate natural gas pipeline companies with approximately 16,600 miles of pipeline and a design capacity of approximately 7.7 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day and a 50% interest in electric transmission businesses. Its Great Britain electricity distribution subsidiaries serve about 3.9 million electricity end-users. In addition, MidAmerican�� interests include a diversified portfolio of domestic independent power projects, a hydroelectric facility in the Philippines, the residential real estate brokerage firm in the United States and the residential real estate brokerage franchise network in the United States.

PacifiCorp is a regulated electric utility company, serving regulated retail electric customers in portions of Utah, Oregon, Wyoming, Washington, Idaho and California. The combined service territory�� diverse regional economy ranges from rural, agricultural and mining areas to urban,! manufact! uring and government service centers. As a vertically integrated electric utility, PacifiCorp owns approximately 10,600 net megawatts (MW) of generation capacity.

MidAmerican Energy Company (MEC) is a regulated electric and natural gas utility company, serving regulated retail electric and natural gas customers primarily in Iowa and also in portions of Illinois, South Dakota and Nebraska. MEC has a diverse customer base consisting of urban and rural residential customers and a range of commercial and industrial customers. In addition to retail sales and natural gas transportation, MEC sells regulated electricity principally to markets operated by regional transmission organizations and regulated natural gas to other utilities and market participants on a wholesale basis and sells non-regulated electricity and natural gas services in deregulated markets. As a vertically integrated electric and gas utility, MEC owns approximately 7,400 net megawatts of generation capacity.

The natural gas pipelines consist of Northern Natural Gas Company (Northern Natural) and Kern River Gas Transmission Company (Kern River). Northern Natural is based in Nebraska and owns interstate natural gas pipeline system in the United States reaching from southern Texas to Michigan�� Upper Peninsula. Northern Natural�� pipeline system consists of approximately 14,900 miles of natural gas pipelines. Northern Natural also operates three underground natural gas storage facilities and two liquefied natural gas storage peaking units.

Kern River is based in Utah and owns an interstate natural gas pipeline system that consists of approximately 1,700 miles and extends from supply areas in the Rocky Mountains to consuming markets in Utah, Nevada and California. Kern River transports natural gas for electric utilities and natural gas distribution utilities, major oil and natural gas companies or affiliates of such companies, electricity generating companies, energy marketing and trading companies, a! nd financ! ial institutions. The Great Britain utilities consist of Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited (Northern Powergrid (Northeast)) and Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) plc (Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire)), which own a substantial Great Britain electricity distribution network that delivers electricity to end-users in northeast England in an area covering approximately 10,000 square miles. The distribution companies primarily charge supply companies regulated tariffs for the use of electrical infrastructure. MidAmerican also owns HomeServices of America, Inc. (HomeServices), a full-service residential real estate brokerage firm in the United States. HomeServices offers integrated real estate services, including mortgage originations and mortgage banking primarily through joint ventures, title and closing services, property and casualty insurance, home warranties, relocation services and other home-related services. It operates under 27 residential real estate brand names with over 16,000 sales agents and in nearly 375 brokerage offices in 21 states.

Manufacturing, Service and Retailing Businesses

Berkshire�� numerous and diverse manufacturing, service and retailing businesses. Marmon Holdings, Inc. (Marmon) consists of approximately 140 manufacturing and service businesses that operate independently within 11 diverse business sectors. These sectors are distribution services, electrical and plumbing products, industrial products, crane services, engineered wire and cable, transportation services and engineered products, food service equipment, highway technologies, retail home improvement products, retail store fixtures, and water treatment.

Distribution Services supplies specialty metal pipe and tubing, bar and sheet products to markets, including construction, industrial, aerospace and many others. Electrical and Plumbing Products is engaged in the distribution, supplying electrical building wire primarily for residential and commercial construction, and copper tube for th! e plumbin! g, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), refrigeration and industrial markets, through the wholesale channel. Industrial Products consists of metal fasteners and fastener coatings for the construction, industrial and other markets, gloves for industrial markets, portable lighting equipment for mining and safety markets, overhead electrification equipment for mass transit systems, custom-machined aluminum and brass forgings for the construction, energy, recreation and other industries, brass fittings and valves for commercial and industrial applications, and drawn aluminum tubing and extruded aluminum shapes for the construction, automotive, appliance, medical and other markets.

Crane Services is engaged in providing the leasing and operation of mobile cranes primarily to the energy, mining and petrochemical markets. Engineered Wire and Cable is engaged in supplying electrical and electronic wire and cable for energy related markets and other industries. Transportation Services and Engineered Products includes manufacturing, leasing and maintenance of railroad tank cars, leasing of intermodal tank containers, in-plant rail services, manufacturing of bi-modal railcar movers, wheel, axle and gear sets for light rail transit and gear products for locomotives, manufacturing of steel tank heads, and services, equipment and technology for processing and distributing sulfur.

Food Service Equipment is engaged in supplying commercial food preparation equipment for restaurants and shopping carts for retail stores. Highway Technologies primarily serve the heavy-duty highway transportation industry with trailers, fifth wheel coupling devices and undercarriage products, such as brake parts and suspension systems, and also serving the light vehicle aftermarket with clutches and related products. Retail Home Improvement Products is engaged in supplying electrical and plumbing products through the home center channel. Retail Store Fixtures provides shelving systems, other merchandising di! splays an! d related services for retail stores, as well as work and garden gloves sold at retail. Water Treatment includes residential water softening, purification and refrigeration filtration systems, treatment systems for industrial markets including power generation, oil and gas, chemical, and pulp and paper, gear drives for irrigation systems and cooling towers, and air-cooled heat exchangers.

McLane Company, Inc. (McLane) provides wholesale distribution and logistics services in all 50 states and internationally in Brazil to customers that include convenience stores, discount retailers, wholesale clubs, drug stores, military bases, quick service restaurants and casual dining restaurants. Operations include grocery distribution, foodservice distribution, beverage distribution, international logistics and software development. McLane�� foodservice distribution unit, based in Carrollton, Texas, focuses on serving the quick service restaurant industry. Operations are conducted through 18 facilities in 16 states. The foodservice distribution unit services more than 19,000 chain restaurants nationwide.

Other Manufacturing, Other Service and Retailing Businesses

Berkshire�� apparel manufacturing businesses include manufacturers of a range of clothing and footwear. Businesses engaged in the manufacture and distribution of clothing products include Fruit of the Loom, Inc. (Fruit), Russell Brands, LLC (Russell), Vanity Fair Brands, LP (VFB), Garan and Fechheimer Brothers. Berkshire�� footwear businesses include H.H. Brown Shoe Group, Justin Brands and Brooks Sports. Fruit, Russell and VFB (together FOL) is primarily a vertically integrated manufacturer and distributor of basic apparel, underwear and athletic apparel and products. Products, under the Fruit of the Loom and JERZEES labels are primarily sold in the mass merchandise and wholesale markets. In the VFB product line, Vassarette, Bestform and Curvation are sold in the mass merchandise market, while Vanity Fair and! Lily of ! France products are sold in the mid-tier chains and department stores. FOL also markets and sells athletic uniforms, apparel, sports equipment and balls to team dealers; college licensed tee shirts and fleecewear to college bookstores and mid-tier merchants; and athletic apparel, sports equipment and balls to sporting goods retailers under the Russell Athletic and Spalding brands. Additionally, Spalding markets and sells balls in the mass merchandise market and dollar store channels.

Garan designs, manufactures, imports and sells apparel primarily for children, including boys, girls, toddlers and infants. Products are sold under its own trademark Garanimals and private labels of its customers. Garan also licenses its registered trademark Garanimals to independent third parties. Garan conducts its business through operating subsidiaries located in the United States, Central America and Asia. Fechheimer Brothers manufactures, distributes and sells uniforms, principally for the public service and safety markets, including police, fire, postal and military markets. Fechheimer Brothers is based in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Justin Brands and H.H. Brown Shoe Group manufacture and distribute work, rugged outdoor and casual shoes and western-style footwear under a number of brand names, including Justin, Tony Lama, Nocona, Chippewa, Carolina, Sofft, Double-H Boots, Eurosoft, and Softspots. Acme Building Brands (Acme) manufactures and distributes clay bricks (Acme Brick and Jenkins Brick), concrete block (Featherlite) and cut limestone (Texas Quarries). In addition, Acme distributes a range of other building products of other manufacturers, including glass block, floor and wall tile, wood flooring and other masonry products. Acme also sells ceramic floor and wall tile, as well as marble, granite and other stones through its subsidiary, American Tile and Stone. Benjamin Moore & Co. (Benjamin Moore) is a formulator, manufacturer and retailer of a range of architectural coatings, available principa! lly in th! e United States and Canada. Products include water-thinnable and solvent-thinnable general purpose coatings (paints, stains and clear finishes) for use by the general public, contractors and industrial and commercial users. Products are marketed under various registered brand names, including Regal, Super Spec, MoorGard, Aura, Nattura, ben, Coronado, Insl-x and Lenmar.

Johns Manville (JM) is a manufacturer and marketer of products for building insulation, mechanical insulation, commercial roofing and roof insulation, as well as fibers and nonwovens for commercial, industrial and residential applications. JM serves markets that include aerospace, automotive and transportation, air handling, appliance, HVAC, pipe insulation, filtration, waterproofing, building, flooring, interiors and wind energy. The Shaw Industries Group, Inc. (Shaw) is a carpet manufacturer based on both revenue and volume of production. Shaw designs and manufactures over 3,000 styles of tufted carpet, tufted and woven rugs, laminate and wood flooring for residential and commercial use under about 30 brand and trade names and under certain private labels. Shaw also provides installation services and sells ceramic and vinyl tile along with sheet vinyl. Forest River, Inc. (Forest River) is a manufacturer of recreational vehicles, utility, cargo and office trailers, buses and pontoon boats. Albecca Inc. (Albecca) does business primarily under the Larson-Juhl name. Albecca designs, manufactures and distributes a range of products, including wood and metal molding, matboard, foamboard, glass, equipment and other framing supplies in the United States, Canada and 15 countries outside of North America.

FlightSafety International Inc. (FSI) is engaged in professional aviation training services to individuals, businesses (including certain commercial aviation companies) and the United States. Government. FSI primarily provides training to pilots, aircraft maintenance technicians, flight attendants and dispatchers who op! erate and! support a range of business, commercial and military aircraft. NetJets Inc. (NJ) is a provider of fractional ownership programs for general aviation aircraft. TTI, Inc. (TTI) is a specialty distributor of passive, interconnect, electromechanical and discrete components used by customers in the manufacturing and assembling of electronic products. TTI�� customer base includes original equipment manufacturers, electronic manufacturing services, original design manufacturers, military and commercial customers, as well as design and system engineers. TTI services a range of industries, including telecommunications, medical devices, computers and office equipment, aerospace, automotive and consumer electronics.

Finance and Financial Products

The Company�� finance and financial products businesses include manufactured housing and finance (Clayton Homes), transportation equipment leasing (XTRA), furniture leasing (CORT), as well as various miscellaneous financing activities. Clayton Homes, Inc. (Clayton) is a vertically integrated manufactured housing company. As of December 31, 2012, Clayton operated 34 manufacturing plants in 12 states. Clayton�� homes are marketed in 48 states through a network of 1,441 retailers, including 323 company-owned home centers. XTRA is a transportation equipment lessor operating under the XTRA Lease brand name. XTRA manages a diverse fleet of approximately 82,000 units located at 58 facilities throughout the United States and two facilities in Canada. The fleet includes over-the-road and storage trailers, chassis, temperature controlled vans and flatbed trailers. CORT Business Services Corporation is a provider of rental relocation services, including rental furniture, accessories and related services in the rent-to-rent segment of the furniture rental industry.

Best Financial Stocks To Own Right Now: BB&T Corp (BBT)

BB&T Corporation (BB&T) is a financial holding company. BB&T conducts its business operations primarily through its commercial bank subsidiary, Branch Banking and Trust Company (Branch Bank), which has offices in North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, South Carolina, Alabama, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, Washington D.C and Indiana. In addition, BB&T�� operations consist of a federally chartered thrift institution, BB&T Financial, FSB (BB&T FSB), and a number of nonbank subsidiaries, which offer financial services products. BB&T�� operations are divided into six business segments: Community Banking, Residential Mortgage Banking, Dealer Financial Services, Specialized Lending, Insurance Services, and Financial Services. Branch Bank provides a range of banking and trust services for retail and commercial clients in its geographic markets, including small and mid-size businesses, public agencies, local Governments and individuals, through 1,779 offices as of December 31, 2011. During the year ended December 31, 2011, BB&T announced the acquisitions of Liberty Benefit Insurance Services, Atlantic Risk Management Corporation and the Precept Group. In April 2012, it acquired the life and property and casualty insurance operating divisions of Roseland, New Jersey - based Crump Group Inc. On July 31, 2012, it acquired BankAtlantic.

As of December 31, 2011, the principal operating subsidiaries of BB&T included Branch Banking and Trust Company, Winston-Salem, North Carolina; BB&T Financial, FSB, Columbus, Georgia; Scott & Stringfellow, LLC, Richmond, Virginia; Clearview Correspondent Services, LLC, Richmond, Virginia; Regional Acceptance Corporation, Greenville, North Carolina; American Coastal Insurance Company, Davie, Florida, and Sterling Capital Management, LLC, Charlotte, North Carolina. Branch Bank�� principal operating subsidiaries include BB&T Equipment Finance Corporation, BB&T Investment Services, Inc., BB&T Insurance Services, Inc., Stanley, Hunt, DuPree! & Rhine (a division of Branch Bank), Prime Rate Premium Finance Corporation, Inc., Grandbridge Real Estate Capital, LLC, Lendmark Financial Services, Inc., CRC Insurance Services, Inc. and McGriff, Seibels & Williams, Inc.

Community Banking

BB&T�� Community Banking serves individual and business clients by offering a range of loan and deposit products and other financial services. As of December 31, 2011, Community Banking had a network of 1,779 banking.

Residential Mortgage Banking

Residential Mortgage Banking segment retains and services mortgage loans originated by Community Banking, as well as those purchased from various correspondent originators. Mortgage loan products include fixed and adjustable rate Government and conventional loans for the purpose of constructing, purchasing or refinancing residential properties. Substantially all of the properties are owner occupied. BB&T retains the servicing rights to all loans sold. Residential Mortgage Banking earns interest on loans held in the warehouse and portfolio, fee income from the origination and servicing of mortgage loans and recognizes gains or losses from the sale of mortgage loans. BB&T�� mortgage originations totaled $23.7 billion in 2011. BB&T�� residential mortgage servicing portfolio, which includes both retained loans and loans serviced for third parties, totaled $91.6 billion in 2011.

Dealer Financial Services

Dealer Financial Services originates loans to consumers on a prime and nonprime basis for the purchase of automobiles. Such loans are originated on an indirect basis through approved franchised and independent automobile dealers throughout the BB&T market area and nationally through Regional Acceptance Corporation. This segment also originates loans for the purchase of boats and recreational vehicles originated through dealers in BB&T�� market area. In addition, financing and servicing to dealers for their inventories is provided through a ! joint rel! ationship between Dealer Financial Services and Community Banking.

Specialized Lending

BB&T�� Specialized Lending consists of eight business units that provide specialty finance products to consumers and businesses. The internal business units include Commercial Finance that contains commercial finance and mortgage warehouse lending; and, Governmental Finance that is responsible for tax-exempt Government finance. Operating subsidiaries include BB&T Equipment Finance which provides equipment leasing within BB&T�� banking footprint; Sheffield Financial, a division of FSB Financial, a dealer-based financer of equipment for both small businesses and consumers; Lendmark Financial Services, a direct consumer finance lending company; Prime Rate Premium Finance Corporation, which includes AFCO and CAFO, insurance premium finance business units that provide funding to businesses in the United States and Canada and to consumers in certain markets within BB&T�� banking footprint, and Grandbridge Real Estate Capital, a commercial mortgage banking lender providing loans on a national basis.

Insurance Services

BB&T Insurance Services provides property and casualty, life and health insurance to businesses and individuals. It also provides small business and corporate products, such as workers compensation and professional liability, as well as surety coverage and title insurance. In addition, Insurance Services also underwrites a limited amount of property and casualty coverage.

Financial Services

Financial Services provides personal trust administration, estate planning, investment counseling, wealth management, asset management, employee benefits services, corporate banking and corporate trust services to individuals, corporations, institutions, foundations and Government entities. Financial Services also offers clients investment alternatives, including discount brokerage services, equities, fixed-rate and variable-rate annuiti! es, mutua! l funds and governmental and municipal bonds through BB&T Investment Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Branch Bank. Financial Services includes Scott & Stringfellow, LLC, a brokerage and investment banking firm. Scott & Stringfellow provides services in retail brokerage, equity and debt underwriting, investment advice, corporate finance and equity research and facilitates the origination, trading and distribution of fixed-income securities and equity products in both the public and private capital markets. Scott & Stringfellow also has a public finance department that provides investment banking services, financial advisory services and municipal bond financing. Scott & Stringfellow�� investment banking and corporate and public finance areas conduct business as BB&T Capital Markets. This segment includes BB&T Capital Partners that is a group of BB&T-sponsored private equity and mezzanine investment funds that invest in privately owned middle-market operating companies. Financial Services also includes the Corporate Banking Division that originates and services corporate relationships, syndicated lending relationships and client derivatives.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Louis Navellier]

    BB&T (NYSE:BBT) owns the commercial banking subsidiary, Branch Banking and Trust Company, and has posted a gain of 16% since last March. BB&T stock gets an “A” grade for operating margin growth, an “A” grade for earnings growth, a “B” grade for earnings momentum, an “A” grade for the magnitude in which earnings projections have increased over the past months, and a “B” grade for cash flow.

  • [By Michael Brush]

     BB&T (BBT) has a dividend yield of 2.5%

    The regional bank has 1,800 branches in the Southeast and Washington, D.C. Even during the worst of the credit meltdown, BB&T was profitable. The company used its financial clout to attract customers from competitors and purchase the assets of a failed bank in Florida from regulators.

    As the economy improves and loan business grows, Wordell believes the bank could see annual earnings as high as $3.50 a share, from $1.21 recently. Wordell expects the bank to raise dividends as earnings and loan quality improves.

  • [By Elissa]

    BB&T Corporation is a full-range financial company that provides commercial and retail services. Unlike other banks, BB&T is organized by community banks, and each group has a regional president. This enables simple changes that affect clients in a local area.

Best Financial Stocks To Own Right Now: COMMERCEFIRST BANCORP INC(CMFB)

CommerceFirst Bancorp, Inc. operates as the holding company for CommerceFirst Bank that provides financial services to individuals and corporate customers located primarily in Anne Arundel County, Howard County, and Prince George?s County, Maryland. It accepts various deposit products that include business and personal checking accounts, NOW accounts, premium savings accounts, and tiered money market accounts, as well as certificates of deposit. The company also provides commercial loans for business purposes, including working capital, equipment purchases, real estate, lines of credit, and government contract financing; asset based lending and accounts receivable financing; real estate loans for business and investment purposes; commercial lines of credit; and merchant credit card services offered through an outside vendor, as well as services for business accounts that include remote deposit and Internet banking services. CommerceFirst operates five banking offices in A nne Arundel, Howard, and Prince George?s counties in central Maryland. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Xcel to Buy Wind Power from NextEra - Analyst Blog

Xcel Energy Inc.'s (XEL) operating division, Southwestern Public Service Company, in an effort to boost its renewable portfolio is seeking approval from the New Mexico regulators to procure 700 megawatts (MW) of wind capacity via three power-purchase agreements.

The agreement with NextEra Energy Inc. (NEE) entails wind energy purchases from separate facilities in Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico, which will increase Xcel Energy's wind capacity by 14%. The deal includes buying 199 MW from NextEra Energy's Mammoth Plains Wind Energy Center in Dewey and Blaine counties, Okla., 249 MW from the Palo Duro Wind Energy Center in Hansford and Ochiltree counties, Texas and 250 MW from Infinity Wind Resources/Roosevelt Wind Ranch in Roosevelt County, N.M.

These purchases will reduce fuel costs for customers in Texas and New Mexico. Xcel Energy estimates the deal will lead to savings of $590.4 million over 20 years. The additional contracts are expected to double its wind asset base and will bring the total Texas-New Mexico wind capacity in excess of 2,200 MW.

The latest initiative comes on the heels of the extension of the wind production tax credits, which prompted Xcel Energy to make such a move. The company stated that the price per megawatt-hour of energy produced by wind generation is lower than that of natural gas.

Xcel Energy already has a lofty wind energy capacity of 1,500 MW in its asset basket which is linked to its Texas-New Mexico transmission and distribution network. It procures over 600 MW through contracts from the network, which stretches across the Panhandle and South Plains provinces of Texas, six eastern and southeastern counties in New Mexico and parts of Oklahoma and Kansas.

Of late, Xcel Energy has been on a wind power procurement spree as is evident from its May 2013 plans for adding roughly 550 MW of wind capacity in Colorado in the period 2013 to 2016. The latest bid will help the company achieve the renewabl! e generation goal of 30% by 2020.

With increasing preference for clean energy and government legislation to increase renewable generation, we believe alternative resources will continue to put pressure on fossil fuel based power generation. Currently, Xcel Energy carries a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold).

Other industry players well positioned in the market are Zacks Ranked #2 (Buy) Entergy Corp. (ETR) and Calpine Corp. (CPN).

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Inside GLD’s Fall From Grace

5 Best Small Cap Stocks To Watch For 2014

The SPDR Gold Trust has long been one of the most popular ETFs in the world. For a brief moment in 2011, it even held the crown for the largest exchange traded product by assets, but quickly relinquished the throne to . Though the fund has yet to turn in a negative annualized performance, it is clear that GLD is no longer the darling that it once was in the ETF world .

GLD's Rise to StardomDebuting in 2004, GLD became one of the easiest and most effective ways for investors to add physical gold exposure to their portfolios. Representing 1/10th the price of an ounce of gold, GLD also made investing in the precious metal more accessible to those who did not have large capital bases, helping the fund propel to stardom.

Right out of the gate, GLD was scooping up assets left and right as it snowballed into one of the biggest ETFs in the world. Gold continued to prey on the need for a safe haven in retail portfolios, and it was left as one of the lone options after the Swiss Franc was pegged to the euro. Below we outline GLD's net flows for the last five years.

As gold continued to soar in popularity, so too did GLD, watching its net flows rise every year through 2010, when it hit its initial stumble. 2011 may have had net outflows for the fund, but GLD hit its historical highs towards the latter part of the year before beginning its descent. Still, its performance never failed to end the year on a positive note, as evidenced by the chart below:

A clear pattern began in 2011, when GLD hit its peak and saw its first annual net ouflows. From there, the hits just kept on coming.

GLD Flashes Signs of WeaknessMany believed (and still do) that the hefty asset purchasing by the Fed would lead to runaway inflation, causing gold to soar; thus far that prediction has yet to manifest itself. After hitting its peak in 2011, gold plummeted more! than 30% to today's levels, dragging GLD through the mud. 2013, in particular, has been a low point for this once dominant fund, as it has dropped more than 20% and lost nearly $20 billion in total assets. The fund went from the largest ETF by assets to now struggling to hold onto the fifth place position.

Worse yet, as the U.S. economy continues to roar forward and push stocks to never-before seen highs, investors have been quick to exit their gold positions in favor of surging equities. For the time being, GLD has lost its safe haven appeal, as many who have seen their gold positions decimated no longer think of the metal as the go-to safe haven.

Some feel that the 12-year bull run gold displayed was a classic sign of an overbought and overpriced asset class. Others are simply waiting for the metal to find a comfortable bottom, believing its safe haven appeal and use as an inflation hedge will send prices higher in the future. While no one can say for sure where gold will head, it is clear that its recent volatility has wreaked havoc on one of the most popular funds on the market, as GLD is heading for its first annual loss in its history.

Follow me on Twitter @JaredCummans.

Disclosure: No positions at time of writing.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Great American Group Kicked Off Liquidation Sales at Eight Orchard Supply Hardware Stores in California (OTCBB:GAMR, OTCMKTS:CLNO)


Great American Group, Inc. (GAMR)

Today, GAMR surged (+8.57%) up +0.030 at $.380 with 10,000 shares in play thus far (ref. google finance Delayed: 10:28AM EDT July 12, 2013).

Great American Group, Inc. has been selected to handle store closing sales at eight Orchard Supply Hardware locations, offering significant product discounts in the Citrus Heights, Fairfield, Huntington Beach, Lone Tree, Long Beach, Midtown, Newark and Vacaville stores

Orchard previously reported on June 17, 2013, that it had reached an agreement through which Lowe's Companies, Inc. will acquire the majority of its assets but will allow Orchard to continue day-to-day operations as a separate, standalone business with its brand, strategy and management team intact. To facilitate the acquisition agreement and restructure its balance sheet, Orchard filed voluntary Chapter 11 petitions in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. The agreement with Lowe's comprises the initial stalking horse bid in the Court-supervised auction process under Section 363 of the Bankruptcy Code.

Great American Group, Inc. (GAMR) 5 day chart:



Cleantech Transit, Inc. (CLNO)

Cleantech Transit, Inc. (OTCMKTS:CLNO) ( ) through its Discovery Carbon subsidiary, develops emissions offset strategies for companies, municipalities, and countries. Today, CLNO has shed (-50.83%) down -0.0915 at $.0885 with 572,956 shares in play thus far (ref. google finance Delayed: 12:39PM EDT July 12, 2013), but don't let this get you down. CLNO's daily range is at ($.18 – $.0885) thus far and currently at $.0885 would be considered a (+7945.45% ) gain above the 52 wk low of $.0011. The stock is up +3747.83% since the concerning dates of January 14, 2013 – July 12, 2013. +3747.83%  is the 6 month high and rightly so.

Cleantech Transit, Inc. (CLNO ) 3 Mth chart:


Saturday, August 24, 2013

What Do Ballistic Missiles, Barbara Bush and Alternative Investments Have in Common?

Dorothy WeaverTalk about a witness to history.

While speaking about graduating Phi Beta Kappa from Wellesley College, Dorothy Weaver (left) mentions (with no hint of airs) the role she played in bringing former first lady Barbara Bush and Russia’s first lady Raisa Gorbachev to the campus for a 1990’s commencement speech.

The invitation drew controversy that was closely watched around the country because many of the female graduates didn’t feel Bush’s individual achievements measured up. Bush, however, waded into the mini-maelstrom, charmingly disarmed the graduates and saved the day.

So how did Weaver, chair of her alma mater's financial committee at the time (a post she held for 17 years) land the A-list speaker?

“Barbara introduced me to my husband,” she responds just as oft-handedly.

While her connections are impressive, her career achievements are more so. The CEO, chairman and co-founder of Collins Capital, an alternative investment firm based in Coral Gables, Fla., is also a former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank in Miami.

“I sometimes disagree with my brother-in-law, Richard Fisher,” she says, referring to the current (and outspoken) president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. It’s gotta be a Texas thing—Weaver is a native—because she doesn’t hold back.

“We’ve been in hedge funds since before they were called hedge funds,” she begins. “What did we call them then? Good managers.”

Advisors, Weaver says, are clear about where they don’t want to be. Identifying where they therefore want to be is the problem.

“Advisors say they want equity-like returns. Oh really, they want returns like equities have recently delivered, meaning zero? They also say they want ‘bond-like risk.’ Like the risks that bonds offered in the spring? It’s code. What they’re really asking for is high single-digit or low double-digit returns with low risk.”

In other words, she adds, they’re may be “danger in safety.” Although equities and bonds are critical in a portfolio, a “third stool is needed—alternative investments.”

“A return enhancer with low risk and reduced volatility? Alternatives fill that role. But it has to be a multimanager, multidiscipline strategy with a differentiated approach. Investors and advisors now have the opportunity to include a hedge fund strategy within the portfolio.”

Weaver explains that she’s been implementing such strategies since 1995, and that the “H” doesn’t stand for “Hail Mary, heroic or the hare from Aesop’s Fable, it stands for hedge, and we’re the slow and steady tortoise in that world.”

She claims that when the market was down 40% during the crisis, Collins alternative strategy was up 9%. She didn’t aim for the gain, rather her focus was on preservation of capital at the time, but the gain nonetheless happened.

“Advisors know the pieces they need in the portfolio, they just might have an issue with execution,” she says. “They want hedge fund expertise with mutual fund ease. That’s where we come in. Right now, advisors are on the cusp of really understanding the difference between alternative strategies and vehicles. Hedge funds can get them there.”

Something else that makes the firm unique is the rocket scientist (literally) they have working on the alternative strategy. In what is rapidly becoming commonplace in Weaver’s explanations, she notes that his former role was manning the defenses in the United Kingdom against a Cold War ballistic missile attack.

“If he made a mistake, millions of people’s lives would be at risk,” she says. “He has that same level of attention and responsibility today, knowing if he messes up, people’s lives—or at least the quality of their lives—is at risk.”

Monday, August 19, 2013

Tax-free infra bonds kick in: should you invest?

With the year coming to an end, it is time to invest for saving your income tax. And companies leave no stone unturned to seize this opportunity to raise funds through tax-saving long term infrastructure bonds. Currently, Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC) and L&T Infrastructure Finance, both engaged into infra lending business, are running two retail issues offering 9% rate of interest per annum.

Bond issues at a glance:



Interest rate




L&T Infra







AA- & A






*Issues already closed


What are long term infrastructure bonds?

These are debt instruments wherein an investment upto Rs 20,000 is eligible for individual income tax benefits under section 80CCF. This is over and above the normal limit of Rs 1 lakh investments. 

Should you invest?

Experts across the board recommend it as a prudent investment. However, you should keep in mind certain key factors while investing.

�Do not just invest for the sake of tax saving only,� Sumeet Vaid, CEO and founder, Freedom Financial Planners, a Mumbai based advisory firm.

�Tax is a temporary objective. Think of your long term goals for five to ten years. In this instrument, you should invest only a portion, maybe 50%,  of your total debt allocations in the entire investment portfolio.�

Issuers generally set a maturity period of ten years for their infra bonds. However, those carry a lock-in period of five years. After that, investors can exercise the put option wherein the issuer will buy buck bonds from them at par.

Moreover, investors can also sell those bonds in the secondary market as bonds get listed in the stock exchange(s) � BSE and NSE.

Is liquidity a concern?
�Liquidity is an issue for infra bonds when they are traded in the secondary market,� Arvind Konar, head � fixed income, Almondz Global Securities told

�Traders hardly take any interest to trade bonds with a tiny amount of Rs 20,000. Investors should exercise the put option if any other company offers higher interest after five years. However, they should hold it till maturity in case of any fresh offering with lower rates.�

Advisors agreed to the fact that investors should not seek liquidity from a tax-saving instrument. Rather, a set of liquid instruments like stocks and different mutual fund schemes are available in the market.

Rating or brand?

While IDFC issue carries AAA rating by rating agencies, L&T Infra issue is awarded with AA+ rating. This however, would not necessarily be a major trigger for your investment decision.

�If there is a huge difference in ratings, then only, you take a call based on that. However, any slight variation in ratings would not matter. If you have trust in any particular brand, you stick to that brand only, irrespective any rating,� Amar Pandit, director, My Financial Advisor, adding that technically, a higher rating makes a case for better investment.

Interest payment mode: annual or cumulative?

Go for cumulative interest payment! In case of annual interest income, according to Konar, the reinvestment options are limited. It is always better to avail the power of compounding interest.

More such bond issues are expected in the coming two months. In case of long term infra bonds, a company cannot offer any interest rate that is higher than the yield of 10-year government bonds, pegged at 30 days prior to the launch. Roughly, here an investment of Rs 20,000 will fetch tax exemptions anything between Rs 6,200 and Rs 2,000 depending on tenure and income tax slabs (including 30.90%, 20.60% and 10.30%).


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Nabors Falls on Goldman Downgrade - Analyst Blog

Following Nabors Industries Ltd's (NBR) second quarter profit warning, analysts at investment bank The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) downgraded the land drilling contractor's stock from Conviction List-Buy to Buy,.

On Jul 9, Nabors stated that it expects operating results for the second quarter of 2013 to miss expectations. This declaration also led Goldman to lower the price target from $22.00 to $19.50

According to Nabors, unsatisfactory performance from its 'Rig Services' and 'Completion and Production Services' units will lead to this lower-than-expected operating return. Decline in sales of capital tools along with decreased rig services and rental activities impair Nabors' Rig Services segment.

On the other hand, the Completion and Production Services unit was affected by a tough competitive environment and severe weather conditions. The company projects its operating income for second-quarter 2013 to be between $88.0 million to $91.0 million.

Following the grim update – issued after the market close on Tuesday, Jul 9 – shares of Nabors fell $1.01, or 6.3%, yesterday, to close at $14.99.

Nabors is about to release its second-quarter earnings result after the closing bell on 23 Jul, 2013. Our estimate for earnings per share for the quarter stands at 15 cents.

Barbados-based Nabors' high natural gas exposure raises its sensitivity to gas price fluctuations. The company remains particularly exposed to this situation since its North American business is heavily dependent on gas drilling.

Nabors currently retains a Zacks Rank #4 (Sell), implying that it is expected to underperform the broader U.S. equity market over the next 1 to 3 months.

Meanwhile, two firms in the oil and gas drilling sector with a favorable Zacks Rank are Ocean Rig UDW Inc. (ORIG) and Atwood Oceanics Inc. (ATW). Ocean Rig carries a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy), while Atwood sports a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy).

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Semiconductor ETFs Battle for Inflows: SOXX vs. SMH

Top Value Companies To Invest In Right Now

While overseas demand has increased, the chip industry has yet to fully regain the ground U.S. markets lost during the recent recession. Many of the nation's chip producers rely on businesses to drive sales, and as technology companies come out of survival mode prospects for producers have improved considerably. Below, we outline two semiconductor ETFs that have been battling for investor attention during the last few trying years: PHLX SOX Semiconductor Sector Index Fund and Market Vectors Semiconductor ETF .

Meet the CompetitorsHolding between $220.3 million and $240.6 million in total assets under management each, these funds are often in competition for the largest spot in the semiconductor ETF market. SOXX seeks to replicate an index comprised of about 30 different semiconductor manufacturers and the fund consists of some well-known names, such as Intel and Texas Instruments, as well as some smaller companies that probably aren't on the radar screens of most investors; small and mid cap stocks make up about half the portfolio. SMH also has some large names in its top 10 holdings, and invests in 18 larger market cap semiconductor firms. Originally held by Merrill Lynch, this HOLDERS fund is now managed by Van Eck, and it took a serious expense cut to stay in competition with SOXX 

Both funds were hammered in the years following the financial crash, with unprecedented outflows from SMH as it switched issuers, while SOXX saw a huge hit on returns and investors. A number of funds closed during this three-year window, but it is a testament to these funds that they were able to remain in operation .

The Bottom LineThe surge in sales that has helped lift semiconductors out of the recession is primarily attributed to the world's emerging markets, where sales for computation and communication devices have been steadily growi! ng. Unfortunately, as these markets start to slip back after exponential growth over the last decade, semiconductor producers will have to hope the recent wave of popularity in tablet computers and smartphones, and the growing domestic economy will replace the losses they will see oversees .

Follow me on Twitter @lynpaintzall

Disclosure: No positions at time of writing.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Find out: Differences between financial planners and agents

Hot Bank Companies To Buy For 2014

We all work hard to earn money, but when it comes to plan and grow your hard earned money; whom do you choose - Agent or Financial Planner? Even though financial literacy has been widely spread through electronic, print and television media, very few people are actually aware of existence of Financial Planners in the market.

Hence only few people must be approaching a Financial Planner for advice; and agents must be playing a major part in your financial lives for making investment decisions.

Financial Planner v/s Agent/Distributor

Financial Planner charges a fee which is in the range of Rs.15,000 Rs.25,000 (average) for preparing a goal based financial plan for your financial future and gives unbiased advice for a certain period (usually 1 year, later on the service has to be renewed).

While an agent / distributor does not charge any fee i.e. it is absolutely free. He is paid commission by the company whose products which he sells.

Difference in Investment and Insurance Advice

Mutual Fund Investment

Financial Planner will always give advice in your interest i.e. schemes which are suitable with respect to your goal, risk appetite and time horizon, since he has charged a fee from you for giving advice.

After the introduction of direct plans in Mutual Fund from January 1, 2013, most of the planners advice direct plans, since the expense ratio is lower under direct plans, and there is no intermediary involved.

This can save upto 0.40 percent - 0.60 percent per annum on your total investment. While the Mutual Fund Distributor will not even inform you that there are such kinds of direct plans available in the market.

They will sell (so called "advice") you the schemes, which will be beneficial for him, as these will pay him higher commission. Agents generally are not concerned with your financial goals.

Life Insurance

Financial Planners usually calculate your insurance need based on your financial needs (goals) and existing investments (called 'need based insurance'). Planner will review your existing insurance as well, and advice whether it should be continued or surrendered.

Planner will always recommend buying 'online term plan', since they are the cheapest and does not involve any intermediary. So you save a lot on your insurance premium by buying right policy and adequate cover at minimal amount.

If you already have sufficient assets and existing insurance incase of an uncertainty, which will be sufficient for your dependents then planner will advise not to buy additional life insurance. Also if you do not have any dependants, the planner will not recommend you to buy life insurance.

On the other hand, insurance agent will never consider/calculate your insurance need, never recommend you buying term insurance since the premiums are low and thus the commission he will earn on your policy.

Agent will sell traditional plans with high premiums and low insurance cover, which will earn him approximately 20 percent - 30 percent of regular annual premium. Also the agent will not bother whether you need insurance or review your existing insurance policies.

Health Insurance

Financial Planner will recommend adequate health insurance for you and your family with a mix of individual / floater health insurance plan and a top-up plan. Top-up plan is a plan, which will reimburse hospitalization expense over and above a specified amount (called deductible).

Thus the premium is low for top-up policies. So, you can get high health insurance cover at a lower premium. Agents generally do not promote top-up plans since the premiums are low and thus the commission they earn on it is low. Agent may advice you buy different policy or increase the sum assured instead of advising top-up plan.

Gold Investment

Financial Planner will recommend you to invest in gold via ETF (Exchange Traded Fund). The cost of investing in ETF is low compared to Gold Funds of mutual fund.

Expense ratio of Gold ETF is around 1 percent to 1.50 percent, whereas Gold Fund, which invests in Gold ETFs, bears the cost of Gold ETF as well as expense of Gold Fund of around 0.50 percent to 0.70 percent.

So the Gold Funds bear double cost and are thus expensive and this reduces the overall return of the fund. Mutual Fund distributors cannot sell ETFs, so they never recommend them. 

This way you can see the quality of advice that you can get from a Financial Planner compared to any agent or distributor. The advice by a planner is totally unbiased and thoroughly researched and is in your interest.

There is no conflict of interest in the advice given by the Financial Planner. Also, the planner will present you a road map to your financial future. So, now it is time to find the right Financial Planner to plan your finances and say good bye to your agent.

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hot Growth Companies To Own For 2014

Although we don't believe in timing the market or panicking over market movements, we do like to keep an eye on big changes -- just in case they're material to our investing thesis.

What: Shares of Amkor Technology (NASDAQ: AMKR  ) are up by over 10% today after beating expectations on both top and bottom lines in its first-quarter earnings report.

So what: Amkor's revenue rose 5% year over year, to $688 million, which easily beat the $672.4 million consensus. Earnings of $0.07 per share also came in well ahead of the $0.03 consensus. Guidance also appears favorable, as Amkor now expects between $730 million and $780 million on the top line, and between $0.09 and $0.19 in EPS, against consensus estimates of $719.4 million and $0.11 per share, respectively.

Now what: Even after the pop, Amkor's valuation seems reasonable, and its growth prospects are such that the forward P/E is under five at the moment. The only real area of concern is Amkor's wide margin of error in its second-quarter guidance, which, despite representing a solid advance on even the low ends, could indicate a bit of uncertainty. It's certainly worth a second look, and this good news might even start to reverse a long-term downtrend that's plagued Amkor shareholders for years.

Hot Growth Companies To Own For 2014: Sara Lee Corporation(SLE)

Sara Lee Corporation engages in the manufacture and marketing of a range of branded packaged meat, bakery, and beverage products worldwide. Its packaged meat products include hot dogs and corn dogs, breakfast sausages, sandwiches and bowls, smoked and dinner sausages, premium deli and luncheon meats, bacon, beef, turkey, and cooked ham. It also offers frozen baked products, which comprise frozen pies, cakes, cheesecakes, pastries, and other desserts. In addition, Sara Lee provides roast, ground, and liquid coffee; cappuccinos; lattes; and hot and iced teas, as well as refrigerated dough products. The company sells its products under Hillshire Farm, Ball Park, Jimmy Dean, Sara Lee, State Fair, Douwe Egberts, Senseo, Maison du Caf Advisors' Opinion:

  • [By Carlson]

    Director of Sara Lee Corp., James S Crown, bought 37,500 shares on 9/12/2011 at an average price of $17.5. Sara Lee Corporation is a global manufacturer and marketer of high-quality, brand-name products for consumers throughout the world. Sara Lee Corp. has a market cap of $10.24 billion; its shares were traded at around $17.5 with a P/E ratio of 19.9 and P/S ratio of 1.2. The dividend yield of Sara Lee Corp. stocks is 2.7%.

    On August 11, Sara Lee Corp. reported earnings for the fourth quarter 2011. The fourth quarter included an 8% increase in adjusted net sales from continuing operations to $2.3 billion; 9% reported net sales increase, 40% increase in adjusted operating income to $189 million; and reported operating income increase of 19%.

    Last week, Director James S Crown bought 37,500 shares of SLE stock. Executive Chairman Jan Bennink bought 58,400 shares in August.

Hot Growth Companies To Own For 2014: MEDIFAST INC(MED)

Medifast, Inc., through its subsidiaries, engages in the production, distribution, and sale of weight management and disease management products, and other consumable health and diet products in the United States. The company?s product lines include weight and disease management, meal replacement, and vitamins. It also operates weight control centers that offer Medifast programs for weight loss and maintenance, customized patient counseling, and inbody composition analysis. The company markets its products under the Medifast and Essential brand names, including shakes, appetite suppression shakes, women?s health shakes, diabetics shakes, joint health shakes, coronary health shakes, calorie burn drinks, calorie burn flavor infusers, antioxidant shakes, antioxidant flavor infusers, bars, crunch bars, soups, chili, oatmeal, pudding, scrambled eggs, hot cocoa, cappuccino, chai latte, iced teas, fruit drinks, pretzels, puffs, brownie, pancakes, soy crisps, crackers, and omega 3 and digestive health products. Medifast Inc. sells its products through various channels of distribution comprising Web, call center, independent health advisors, medical professionals, weight loss clinics, and direct consumer marketing supported via the phone and the Web; Take Shape for Life, a physician led network of independent health coaches; and weight control centers. The company was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in Owings Mills, Maryland.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Mark]

    Revenues are expected to grow 27% next year and yet MEDIFAST (MED: 15.68 0.00%) trades at only 16x consensus 2011 earnings. The company continues to gain market share in the competitive weight management sector and provides investors with the double benefit of both a growth stock and a potential acquisition target.

Top 10 Low Price Stocks To Own Right Now: Intuitive Surgical Inc.(ISRG)

Intuitive Surgical, Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets da Vinci surgical systems for various surgical procedures, including urologic, gynecologic, cardiothoracic, general, and head and neck surgeries. Its da Vinci surgical system consists of a surgeon?s console or consoles, a patient-side cart, a 3-D vision system, and proprietary ?wristed? instruments. The company?s da Vinci surgical system translates the surgeon?s natural hand movements on instrument controls at the console into corresponding micro-movements of instruments positioned inside the patient through small puncture incisions, or ports. It also manufactures a range of EndoWrist instruments, which incorporate wrist joints for natural dexterity for various surgical procedures. Its EndoWrist instruments consist of forceps, scissors, electrocautery, scalpels, and other surgical tools. In addition, it sells various vision and accessory products for use in conjunction with the da Vinci Surgical System as surgical procedures are performed. The company?s accessory products include sterile drapes used to ensure a sterile field during surgery; vision products, such as replacement 3-D stereo endoscopes, camera heads, light guides, and other items. It markets its products through sales representatives in the United States, and through sales representatives and distributors in international markets. The company was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Jim Lowell]

    Intuitive Surgical (ISRG: 329.49 0.00%) is an expensive stock and their stock price is currently well below the $400 level that it flirted with in April. However, the stock is a compelling growth story with revenues and earnings expected to climb 19% in 2011. The company faces little competitive pressure and 2011 is likely the year that consumers opt for procedures that they delayed in 2009-10. That could produce some blowout earnings results for ISRG in 2011.

Hot Growth Companies To Own For 2014: TrueBlue Inc.(TBI)

TrueBlue, Inc. provides temporary blue-collar staffing services in the United States. It supplies on demand general labor to various industries under the Labor Ready brand; skilled labor to manufacturing and logistics industries under the Spartan Staffing brand; and trades people for commercial, industrial, and residential construction, and building and plant maintenance industries under the CLP Resources brand. The company also provides mechanics and technicians to the aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul, aerospace manufacturing, and assembly industries, as well as to other transportation industries under the Plane Techs brand; and temporary drivers to the transportation and distribution industries under the Centerline brand. It primarily serves small and medium-size businesses. The company was formerly known as Labor Ready, Inc. and changed its name to TrueBlue, Inc. in December 2007. TrueBlue, Inc. was founded in 1985 and is headquartered in Tacoma, Washington.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By McWillams]

    TrueBlue, Inc. is a provider of temporary blue-collar staffing. Its EPS forecast for the current year is 0.69 and next year is 1.1. According to consensus estimates, its topline is expected to grow 8.96% current year and 10.03% next year. It is trading at a forward P/E of 15.76. Out of 10 analysts covering the company, six are positive and have buy recommendations and four have hold ratings.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Here's Why SodaStream Just Bubbled Up 8%

Shares of at-home carbonation specialist SodaStream (NASDAQ: SODA  ) closed up by more than 8% Monday after analyst David Kaplan of Barclays raised the firm's price target on the stock to $100 per share.

For those of you keeping track, that's nearly 82% higher than Barclays' previous target of $55, and it also represents a 45% premium to Monday's closing price at just above $69 per share. All told, shares of SodaStream are up almost 28% over the past month and 54% year to date in 2013.

So why all the optimism?

Kaplan believes that "conservative estimates for 20 percent top line growth are not priced in." More specifically, he thinks SodaStream's sales will have increased 28% when all is said and done this year, followed by another 20% increase in revenue for 2014. He also says that as a result, earnings per share should come in around $2.55 this year and $3.28 in 2014.

Break out the bubbly!
Of course, investors have every reason to believe him; less than three weeks ago, SodaStream management outlined a perfectly reasonable plan to achieve sales of at least $1 billion by 2016. In fact, that announcement was enough to quickly prompt upgrades from analysts at both Oppenheimer and Citigroup, who both currently hold more conservative price targets of $68 and $66 per share, respectively.

What's more, less than four weeks ago, the Israel-based company maintained its habit of crushing analysts' estimates by turning in solid first-quarter earnings results. To be sure, it's hard not to be impressed with SodaStream's first-quarter year-over-year revenue growth of 34% to $117.6 million. In addition, adjusted earnings per share managed to increase 24% to $0.68.

Better yet, the company's razor-and-blade model is paying off, as carbonator refill revenue increased 101% and syrup sales rose 119% from the first quarter of 2012. Finally, soda-maker sales showed no signs of letting up after growing 78% from the same year-ago period, and the massive United States market should soon become SodaStream's largest.

A better option
Finally, despite the fact that some folks might frown upon SodaStream's perceived unhealthy target market, I remain convinced this company really does want to make our lives better.

After all, while SodaStream offers a variety of flavor options, many of its customers aren't particularly worried about calories as they take advantage of the system's ability to make sparkling water at home for an average of just 25 cents per liter. Better yet, SodaStream machines cut down the number of plastic bottles otherwise required to distribute traditional soda, and each refillable SodaStream carbonation canister can make between 60 and 110 liters, saving the equivalent of 170 to 310 aluminum cans.

In addition, according to SodaStream, an average can's worth of their soda costs just 25 cents, and a single 8-ounce serving of SodaStream Cola contains just 35 calories, 8 grams of carbs, 8 grams of sugar, and only 10 milligrams of sodium.

When you compare that with the cola offerings of beverage behemoths Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO  ) and PepsiCo (NYSE: PEP  ) -- 8-ounce servings of which each have 100 calories, over three times the amount of carbs and sugar, and between 2.5 and 3.5 times the sodium -- it's easy to see why SodaStream hasn't been shy about calling out both Coke and Pepsi in its advertisements.

5 Best Stocks To Watch Right Now

Foolish final thoughts
As a relatively small $1.4 billion company, SodaStream still can't come close to matching the marketing clout or incredible global reach of both Pepsi and Coke, so it's safe to say the soft-drink giants won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

However, it's also easy to see why the value SodaStream brings to the table is finally resonating with consumers, and it's obvious this small company is gaining traction quickly. In the end, I see no reason SodaStream can't continue its meteoric rise over the long haul while rewarding investors handsomely in the process.

Want to dig even deeper?
SodaStream's carbonation technology sounds simple, but the company offers an intriguing opportunity for growth that could very well disrupt the soda industry. The Motley Fool's premium report on SodaStream explains the opportunities as well as the risks in the company. The report comes with a year's worth of updates, so just click here to get started.